Originally Posted by Jahrs
Originally Posted by victoro
To Jahrs:

"If you knew that your child was heading for danger would you not warn him because of your love and foreknowledge?"

Any adult or parent who tells a child that they are going to Hell and will burn for eternity if they don't believe in their God is guilty of child abuse including your pompous self righteous self. I was never told I was going to Hell if I didn't believe in some God by any of my family but I heard it plenty in church and from nutters like you. I figured out at about age 6 that every person that was promising something they couldn't deliver (everlasting life in a Heaven) was a false prophet. Why would anyone want to go to a Heaven full of people like you anyway?

So your parents didn’t teach you anything and shipped you off to church by yourself and you had it all figured out by 6 years old.
Are you mad at your parents?

Are you mad at your parents for lying to you about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy? Maybe you're still a believer, you are pretty gullible. I also figured out by age 6 that there was no Santa Claus because we didn't have a chimney and I knew that deer couldn't fly. My parents made me promise not to tell my younger sister and I didn't. It me longer to not believe in the tooth fairy because the tooth under my pillow disappeared and there was money under my pillow the next morning.