No, sorry, the explanations that were offered did absolutely nothing to reconcile these contradictions. They were excuses rather than rational arguments.

The chronology of time and events and statements indicate that the Psalmist considered all of God previous works to be merciful. That is simply a fact, please explain how that is an excuse?

Excuses made at the expense of ignoring what the verses actually say about the nature of love, not vindictive, does not keep a record, always forgiving in opposition to cruelty, vindictness,

This is a NT verse that you brought in later after posting the contradiction. This being dishonest about how you framed the original contradiction. Furthermore those verses are referring to human conduct and not divine conduct. God does keep a record of all wrongs until they are repented of and they will all be on display at the final judgment.. However we are not God and it is not in our place to keep records of wrongs and to hold offenses against our brothers--we let that in God's hands.

ready to condemn generations for the transgression of their forebears, etc.....glibly brushing the undeniable incompatibility aside with inane remarks like 'you need to understand the bible' 'you need to list your own moral code' etc. Which does nothing to address these contradictions.

Explain how you can critique a document you don't understand. That would never fly in any other discipline so why would it here?

If God is love and does not keep a record of wrongs, God cannot curse generations for the 'sins' of their fathers, for example.

Again your lack of understanding and recognizing context as noted above--that passage is describing our conduct and not God's attributes. I should not need to explain the need to get the context right.

It seems that believers are incapable of recognizing a contradiction when it comes to a matter of faith.

None of those proposed would pass the test logical test of understood within the obvious context.

Sorry, but the excuses offered so far fail to make the grade.


We are not looking to pass your grade. We are only concerned with truth.

Last edited by Thunderstick; 07/13/19.