Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Thunderstick
Ancient writings are the witnesses because this is when the books were written. No one has problems with all the other ancient documents of the world such as Homer's Iliad and Odyssey. Yet there are far less manuscript evidence for those documents than the Bible. It's a matter of having faith that is based on fact or evidence or on your own opinions and preferences.
We have already covered that all religions cannot be equally credible because they disagree and I or you could simply make up our own.
These leaves us with which one. There is only one book that began with the inception of alphabetic writing and has been in continuous usage ever since. There is only one that has a such a large volume of fulfilled prophecies.

God has present testimony to His truth today each timeives are changed from selfishness to selflessness by Jesus Christ.

Homer's Iliad not a historical account of events either. There are multiple conflicting versions of the Iliad that evolved over time. It may have been written and re-written over a 300 year period.

As for your claims the bible began with the inception of alphabetic writing, that's just silly.
Egypt has a 24 character alphabetic system that predated the earliest hebrew text by 500+ years.

The point is simply whether or not a document can be verified as preserved similar to its original state. The same could be said of the annals of Tacitus. The point is that no reputable scholar disputes the original existence of these documents and they have far less manuscript evidence than the Bible--so my point remains that Bible stands above all other ancient documents in verification of authenticity.

Now for the facts of alphabetic writing:

Wikipedia - The history of alphabetic writing goes back to the consonantal writing system used for Semitic languages [descendants of Shem] in the Levant [eastern Mediterranean area] in the 2nd millennium BCE. Most or nearly all alphabetic scripts used throughout the world today ultimately go back to this Semitic proto-alphabet. Its first origins can be traced back to a Proto-Sinaitic script developed in Ancient Egypt to represent the language of Semitic-speaking workers in Egypt. This script was partly influenced by the older Egyptian hieratic, a cursive script related to Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Mainly through Phoenician and Aramaic, two closely related members of the Semitic family of scripts that were in use during the early first millennium BCE, the Semitic alphabet became the ancestor of multiple writing systems across the Middle East, Europe, northern Africa and South Asia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_alphabet

“Sometime during the second millennium B.C. (estimated between 1850 and 1700 B.C.), a group of Semitic-speaking people adapted a subset of Egyptian hieroglyphics to represent the sounds of their language. This Proto-Sinaitic script is often considered the first alphabetic writing system, where unique symbols stood for single consonants (vowels were omitted). Written from right to left and spread by Phoenician maritime merchants who occupied part of modern Lebanon, Syria and Israel, this consonantal alphabet—also known as an abjad—consisted of 22 symbols simple enough for ordinary traders to learn and draw, making its use much more accessible and widespread.
By the 8th century B.C., the Phoenician alphabet had spread to Greece, where it was refined and enhanced to record the Greek language.” https://www.history.com/news/who-created-the-first-alphabet

“… the modern Hebrew alphabet may be regarded as a continuation of the original alphabet created more than 3,500 years ago. The Hebrew order of the letters seems to be the oldest.” https://www.britannica.com/topic/alphabet-writing

The conclusion of scholarship is that recent evidence indicates that the Hebrew Semitic alphabet is the fountain head of modern alphabetic writing--and that development occurred when the Hebrews were in Eqypt. The early proto-Sinaitic document of writing is found near Eqypt and Sinai -- so it verifies the Biblical account of the Hebrews being in Eqypt where Moses developed the Hebrew alphabetic writing which conveyed the Torah. That original Hebrew alphabet is the forerunner of the modern Hebrew. However the Egyptian hieroglyphic writing has passed into disuse.