Originally Posted by Starman
which ever way you look it, the churchy system and its prominent clergy members allowed sexual abuse to continue and protected the in-house perps....Those clergy members form the body of the church do they not?

You can talk about the ideological doctrine- teachings , but they are not the church.

FACT remains the many perpetrators we're coercive in their ways toward abusing children.

If they commit a grievous sin and have not repented they are not part of the body of the church. And the Church is defined by it's doctrines and teachings - that's the point of having a church. Yeah, there were and I'm sure are bad actors in the church. There are bad actors everywhere. Maybe we should condemn all of humanity and be done with it?

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.