Originally Posted by xxclaro
Originally Posted by Thunderstick
Indiscriminate annihilation is what humans do. I would expect a God that created a universe from nothing would have other options.

This is another example of skeptics eventually contradicting their own lines of reasoning--first of all you can't charge God with anything unless you believe that He exists, and Israel did what He commanded, and that it was accurately recorded in the OT. So on one hand its said He doesn't exist, then we charge Him with being immoral.

We say the universe wasn't created by God, then He had other options as the Creator. They blame God for trying to "fix everything according to His will" but then we blame Him if He works through mankind and doesn't employ enough miracles--but then we deny that miracles exist...and so it goes ...

I don't read it like that at all. I think he's simply saying that a God as wise and powerful as he would have to be to create all that is, would have had far better options than simply annihilating an entire people. He's not charging God with anything, he's saying God didn't do, in fact couldn't have done it since he doesn't exist, and therefore it was done by man using "God's will" and an excuse.

I'm simply pointing out that we have been all over on this thread following contradictory lines of reasoning. As to the reasons for what God shared with us in His Word--they were shared here. The result is that God extended grace and grace was spurned--then he took measured methods to remove them. The Creator has the right to also terminate life as He sees fit. Again as pointed out this is very much like what happened in WWII. If God was sovereign in the OT, He was also still sovereign during WWII. Its the same as saying God could have found a way to miraculously intervene and end WWII by convincing the Japanese to surrender. But God has created humans with choices and consequences for the choices they make. That is an inescapable reality of life.