My approach requires proof to establish fact...and there's substantial physical evidence, proof and fact - that eg; WW1 and WW2
actually happened even though I did not eye-witness those wars taking place.

The Romans were in the UK, Africa, etc ,as a matter of fact. proven by the combination of Roman records,
remaining Roman structures and vast number of recovered relics they left behind from 400 yrs of occupation.

...so how does my approach ' invalidate all history as fact'..??

Because on one hand you appeal to Roman records but on the other hand you dismiss Roman records. 3 Roman historians speak of Christ.
Here is Emperor Julian's testimony regarding the census record:
Even Jesus, who was proclaimed among you, was one of Caesar's subjects. And if you do not believe me I will prove it a little later, or rather let me simply assert it now. However, you admit that with his father and mother he registered his name in the governorship of Cyrenius.