Originally Posted by xxclaro
What if a person beleived that the teachings outlined in the New Testament are a solid foundation for moral living, and endeavours to live by them, without believing that the whole thing is necessarily the inerrant word of God? I've listened to and read people who I think have some excellent points and ideas to live by, but also some that aren't quite right.

That is a very good observation. I think this describes Jefferson quite well. He did not just tear down all morality but rather he at least recognized that some system of morals needs to govern and he believed that Jesus had the best system of them. While he would not accept all the Bible he did accept that the moral teachings of Jesus were reliably recorded and should be followed--which means he certainly believed that Jesus was a man of history. There is no eternal salvation in moral living but there is an earthly blessing to yourself and others. Giving our lives to Jesus and allowing Him to change our hearts gives us the nature that desires to follow His morals and other teachings.