Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by rimfire
As I said before Ignorance is bliss. I will leave it at that

Thats true. Also true is the fact Gods name is written in your DNA.

HE tells of the almost everlasting conflict between good and evil, christian and Muslims and it means nothing to you.

American Indians prayed to the Great Spirit for sustenance before ever hearing the good news, as did Hindus and Bhuddists and other religions.

The stupid use those facts to discredit God rather than accept He was correct in saying all would have innate knowledge of a supreme being.

If at the end of my life and i am wrong i have lost nothing. If i am right, i have everlasting life and you have hell to pay.

The claim that the god of the bible, or any other version of God, is written in our DNA misrepresents biology and science.