Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by Thunderstick
What is very clearly happening is that we are seeing a group of skeptics with a different set of moral values from the Bible trying to interpret the Bible. They are claiming to be objective and logical but they cannot refrain from interpretation and analysis based on their moral values which are distinctly different from Biblical morality. Their morality will not allow them to be logically consistent with the text and context or to even abide by their own rules of discussion. Skepticism has a way of prejudicing the mind against objective reasoning or admitting any evidence does not serve their purposes.

We see a similar thing happening in our country today with this breed of skepticism. Judges with a different moral value system from our founding fathers are trying to interpret our constitution and founding documents in ways that they were never intended. They claim to be objective, but in reality they are prejudiced against the morality of our founders and will stop at nothing till they have re-interpreted and applied case law in such a way as to destroy the moral foundation of our laws and make our documents say something completely different than what they do.

Not so. I am doing nothing more than pointing out what the bible says in terms of a God of Love and showing verses that contradict everything attributed to this 'God of Love' instead of 'love is kind' we are told that God curses generations for the sins of the ancestors. Instead of ''Love keeps no record of wrongs'' we have original sin, the whole world cursed for the naive action of one man, Adam. And that's just the start of the absurdity of the wholly contradictory collection of books we call the bible.

Not that it's just the bible that has problems The Quran is even worse. A sizable portion of the Quran is devoted to how to subjugate, kill or mistreat non believers in various ways. Mohammad the prophet was a killer, raider of caravans, a war lord, etc.

That's religion.

What is you belief system and what has it done for world?