Originally Posted by TF49

Interesting comment. I have heard that there is indeed an audience watching and seeing what is going on here on earth.

Here is the speculation....

Seems God had created many many.... perhaps billions of creatures prior to the creation of man. Then there was a rebellion in Heaven.... the fall of Lucifer.... now, the "Heavenly Hosts" are watching how the drama of the fall and redemption is playing out. The billions (?) of the Heavenly Hosts are seeing a demonstration of God's plan.

IDK, but you may be pretty close with your "zoo" comment.

there might be more "life" in the oceans more situated or authorized to do space travel than us 'humans.'

i don't know. i was born and raised down here on the Urth, so i have no space travel history.

oh, it's either a zoo, or some sort of experiment. that's almost a military certainty.

the High Priests at NASA are doing their best, from Dr. Werner von Braun.

rocket ships to the moon, which is an alien satellite, helps us along?