No, but it's an anecdote which came to me through a trusted source and I took a fancy to it. Googling I was surprised at the interest among the medical community in near death experiences. Anyway it's not a proof of anything, just something that remains unexplained and makes you go, "Hmm."

Best I can tell that anecdote is attributable to:

Maria’s Shoe

Kimberly Clark Sharp (1995) was a social worker in Harborview Hospital in Seattle when Maria was brought in unconscious from cardiac arrest. Sharp visited her the following day in a hospital room, at which point Maria described leaving her body and floating above the hospital. Desperate to prove that she had in fact left her body and was not crazy, she described seeing a worn dark blue tennis shoe on the ledge outside a window on the far side of the hospital. Not believing her but wanting to help, Sharp checked the ledge by pressing her face against the sealed windows and found a shoe that perfectly matched the details Maria had related.22

22 Sharp, K.C. (1995). After the Light: What I Discovered on the Other Side of Life That Can Change Your World. Morrow, NY.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.