Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by stevelyn
You can find the same sort of errors or perceptions of details in a modern day police report about an incident occurring within
the last few hours...

If you were up on charges, a good defence attorney would question /call into doubt and argue tooth and nail against the veracity of police reports
and eyewitness claims with serious indescrepencies. . the attorney would also have the ability to put police and witnesses on the stand for cross-examination
to cast further doubts as to their reliability and worth in trying to get a convicton.

You would be outraged if a conviction was made on the basis of such indescrepencies and without your attorney conducting thorough cross examination,
....yet when it comes to the indescrepencies/veracity of scripture and the lack of ability to cross examine writers and witnesses from thousands of years ago
Christians are more than happy to accept such as largely irrelevant when presenting their argument.

In others words the relatively weak questionable standards Christians apply to forming a personal conviction towards their faith or subjective belief
are not standards they would be happy or willing to accept as sufficient for conviction in a modern courtroom when they find themselves on trial.

Another excellent example of skeptics trying to have it both ways:
On one hand they say the evidence is dismissed unless it's contemporary to the event--hence the gospels are dismissed because they were not written in real time as the events were unfolding. Then out of the other side of their mouth they say because it is ancient information and we cannot cross examine the witnesses today so we can dismiss all the evidence. You can't have it logically both ways. You cannot ask for early evidence and then dismiss it as evidence because it is early. Allow a skeptic to argue long enough and they will invariably contradict themselves and void out the weight of their own arguments. They would fare better looking for their own contradictions rather than trying to find them in the Bible.
Records of court cases are kept along with the evidence to support the judgment. We have the records of those who were hostile to the gospel accounts and who investigated those accounts and they conclusively show Jesus as a man of history.

Again you cannot cross examine witnesses to the American Revolution can you ... ?