Originally Posted by nighthawk

Oy vey! We showed how this stuff was not irreconcilable some posts back. Apples and oranges. The OT gives the law, and what happens if you don't follow it. The man with the sticks refused to follow the law and got the prescribed (therefore just) punishment. People of the time would have understood that, defy the King at your peril. Still true.

The NT is about redemption and forgiveness, what happens when you truly repent. Mary Magdelene sinned grievously and was due for stoning. She truly repented and Jesus forgave her in his love and mercy. Also a major lesson of the prodigal son story (though there are more in that parable).

No, sorry, the explanations that were offered did absolutely nothing to reconcile these contradictions. They were excuses rather than rational arguments.

Excuses made at the expense of ignoring what the verses actually say about the nature of love, not vindictive, does not keep a record, always forgiving in opposition to cruelty, vindictness, ready to condemn generations for the transgression of their forebears, etc.....glibly brushing the undeniable incompatibility aside with inane remarks like 'you need to understand the bible' 'you need to list your own moral code' etc. Which does nothing to address these contradictions.

If God is love and does not keep a record of wrongs, God cannot curse generations for the 'sins' of their fathers, for example.

It seems that believers are incapable of recognizing a contradiction when it comes to a matter of faith.

Sorry, but the excuses offered so far fail to make the grade.