Originally Posted by Dre
Originally Posted by Thunderstick
Originally Posted by Dre
Originally Posted by Thunderstick
Originally Posted by Dre
F*ck religion.
Constant killing in name of _____ over the centuries.
Basically a Crutch for the weak that need something to believe in....Mystical being?
Just be a good person and move on.

Mystical? Are we overlooking the historical evidence for the man Jesus Christ -- such as from the secular historians and even the secular critics of that era?

Jesus May have existed.
But you also believe in magic?

There is more manuscript evidence and testimony to the existence of Jesus than there is for any other ancient man. If His existence is tenuous, then so is every other man of ancient history. I'm not sure what you mean by magic or how it relates to the topic at hand, but some of the critics of that time ascribed Jesus' works to magic. Ascribing it to magic is acknowledging the evidence of supernatural works being performed by Christ.

So you do believe in magic....jesus can walk on water, spread the sea, make wine out of water, rise from the dead (which BTW is a zombie) ....that kind of magic you believe in?
Might as well believe harry potter is based on true life events.

In whatever view you take regarding the origin of the universe you are faced with scientific/mathematical statistical improbabilities. There had to be an uncaused first cause (from where and why and how). There needs to be cosmic fine tuning to support the anthropic principles of life (there are over 30 of them), and because life has biological irreducible complexity the most simple cell must come into existence with all it's necessary components. These three must all coexist as one for life to come forth. Each one of these is statistically improbable and the three together are a mathematical impossibility to even calculate statistically.

Math and science both require an outside engagement that is greater than the force and laws of nature as we know them today. This is what we call phenomena or miracles--where all the scientific evidence and mathematical probability says something greater than the normal laws of science are at work. If God can be this agent once, He certainly can be again and again as He chooses. To deny this is to deny the evidence of both science and math. Therefore it is unscientifc to reject the evidence of science when it points to the evidence of miracles. Miracles are divine interventions with credible witnesses. Magic can be anything from occult practices to superstition but it is distinctly different from a divine miracle in its origin and application.