I am getting back into weights after 6 years. People may not know that during Obama Administration we as teachers in a public school had a 60 minute meeting on some mandate every freaking night afterschool. Strange thing, after Trump gets elected there is a huge reduction in mandates-now we meet once on Mondays and every other Wednesday I have cut my part time job from 30 hours a week to about 8 and I am lifting again.

Tonight is the third night back.
120 sissy squats with 43lb kettlebell.

Cleans(should be center of most programs)
2 sets of warms ups 10 Reps with 125lbs
5 sets of 5 Reps with 175lbs
2 sets with 3 Reps with 195lbs.

2 sets of warm ups with 30 reps of 90lbs(carry 45lb plates)
3 Sets of 12 Reps with 225lbs

Dumbbell Rows (on bench)(These are super important for me getting my strength back)
3 sets of 10 reps with 85lbs
2 sets of 10 reps with 90lbs
1 set of 5 reps with 110lbs

4 sets of 10 reps alternate dumbbell curls(60lbs per dumbbell)

6 sets of lat pull downs 12 reps 210lbs(real weight unknown)
Wide grip bar.

4 sets of rope tricep pulldown (120lbs(real weight unknown).

30 minutes on c2 rower 6OOOM total distance travelled.

I figure that this is about average for Alaskan hunters so I want to get my clean back up(250lbs+ for reps) and build on functional strength. I am 48years old, 5"11" and about 250lbs. I would like to get down to 220lbs by June and see if I can get my strength back.
I figure that when I can do 5 sets of 30 pullups that I will be set. Right now I can do 3 sets of 8 Pullups so we will see what happens.

Last edited by kaboku68; 02/08/17.