Last day of smolov Jr. Bench. 10 sets of 355lbs X 3 reps. 4 sets of 225lbs X 10 reps for warm up and cool down. leg extension machine 250? lbs X 25 reps X 5 sets. Hammer bicep Curls X 3 plates X 5 sets X 20 reps. Plate trap lifts X 5 sets X 25 Reps. Jailhouse 25 reps X 5 Sets. I think that this is ok since I started two months ago.

2000 M of C2 Intervals

20 minutes of bike.

Going to Seward for my sister's wedding and will work to come back. Never been to a Cabelas other than the one that I delivered papers to when I was 6 years old before heading North. I used to get christmas cards with gift cards from Dick and Mary Cabelas when I was delivering the Sidney Telegraph to them.

I will probably do a 5/3/1 circuit with one more Smolov Jr. I didn't try a 1 rep max but it has to be about 375lbs to 380lbs. One more cycle and I will get to 400/500/600 and then start work on functional strength. Pullups, hill climbs, packing and other things until Sheep season.