I haven't been on here in a while, some really good training being done it looks like. Coaching skiing on the weekends hasn't been a big help for adding any mass to my body but I am getting stronger slowly and unsurely.

Tonight I did:

Warmup, 3 rounds w/ 1 minute rest periods between rounds

DB swing (KBs are in short supply) 50# x 10
Dead hang pull-ups x 10
Goblet squats 50# x 1"


Back squat, warmup went 135x10x2, 205x10, 225x8
Pyramid back squat sets: : 275x8, 295x5, 315x3, 335x1, 315x3, 295x5, 275x8, 275x8, 225x10

Single leg lunges w/ 65# DBs. 4 sets of 8 per leg

Side box raises w/ 50# DB held in goblet position, 4 sets of 8 per leg

Stamina: 10 rounds of stair sprints. Definitely need to up my cardio stuff and work on my lung health (asthma has been crappy lately).
