Took the dogs for our morning patrol. Loaded a pack up with 25 lbs plate for the stroll. They're beat, and flopped out in their favorite cool spots panting and sleeping. My shirts well sweated, so all and all I feel it was a fine morning for us all.

Tonight I'll do a warm up mile on the treadmill then hit the weights. Heavy squats, weighted dips and pull-ups. Finish with volume dead-lifts. Close the work out by walking the stairs for as many rounds as I can in 20 minutes.

Diet and exercise has been going well. Pants are loose and my belt is needing a new hole punched in it. However; my Wife told me that we are expected at a couple of social functions this weekend. Read that as huge amounts of empty calories hospitably placed before me. For me to not accept these offers would be seen as rude or ungrateful to the hosts. Going to be a battle of social grace and willpower for me.