Originally Posted by bluefish
Someone earlier in the post said it. We are at fault. How many here are baptized? Not I Did your parents fail to raise you in the church as they promised? What promise? Did your godparents step in as they promised? Godparents? How many here went through confirmation and made promises as members of the church? again, No How many have lived.up to those promises? Only promises made were to my wife via wedding vows. And Yes, they have been honored for 40 years How many of us have had our children baptized and failed to live.up to our promises we made before God? I absolutely did not have my children baptized. Baptism is an individual choice. It is entirely up to the individual........when he/she reaches a level of maturity where he/she is capable of making such a choice. No one else can make that choice for them. The answers are before us as are the solutions. We simply need to commit to living in accordance with the promises we made for ourselves and on behalf of others.

My conscience is clear. My kids have been free to choose their religious affiliations, or not.

Bluefish, I think that your thoughts toward religion and baptism are as far from mainstream as are Jag's and Ringman's.

The only people I have heard talk that way are a very few "old school" Catholics.

Hell, I don't know. Maybe you are the one who got it right. Maybe God does exist and yours is the only way to appease Him. But, to me, it seems more likely to be THE way to keep the pews and the coffers filled. Priests have to be kept fat and happy.

But I am forever skeptical.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.