Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Hastings, my friend, He said it REPEATEDLY and boldly. He said He is the God of the OT.
You really need to look into this yourself. It's such a pervading theme of the Gospels that I'm not even going to argue about it. It's almost like someone said "the grass is neon blue".
I am Unitarian to the extent I believe there is one God. This Trinity stuff doesn't seem to fit. Who was Jesus speaking of when he said "my father"? Who was he praying to? What did he mean when he asked "why callest thou me good? There is none good but One, that is, God"?
Again, highlighting that He is God. You did not account for the questioner, after witnessing repeated miracles and claims by Jesus, realizing that Jesus is God.

The entire Trinity was involved in Jesus' resurrection. https://www.gotquestions.org/who-resurrected-Jesus.html
Ask yourself what God did before He created the World. Remember, God is love (and truth, etc). What would a single God be doing? Nothing. The Trinity? Loving. It takes more than one to love.
Check out different trnaslations of John 8:42, “For I proceeded and came forth from God”; and John 15:26 where he says of the Spirit that he “proceeds from the Father”.

Last edited by Tyrone; 09/26/22.

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