Originally Posted by Ringman
You are not even close to the reason young people are leaving the church. Pole after pole shows it's because they believe in millions of years and evolution.

Rich, If belief in easily proven fact is antithetical to Christianity. Christianity is doomed to extinction.

Copernicus, Galileo, Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Bruno, Wegener, Gregor Mendel, Charles Darwin: all ridiculed, vilified, and persecuted by the Christian Church. Some imprisoned, tortured or executed for speaking those discoveries which were ultimately vindicated and accepted.

The Church has a long and colorful history of suppressing scientific discovery which it finds embarrassing.

As to people abandoning their churches? The nature of Jesus accepting people of all ethnicity, caste, or religious history has been mentioned.

When the Modern Church attempts to emulate the practice it drives away the most Conservative of the flock, especially the elderly. Many have a real aversion to sitting beside the LBGQT crowd in Church, or having their grandkids in the same congregation.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.