Originally Posted by There_Ya_Go
With regards to the OP/article, I see this as great news. I would hate to think that our country/culture/society was going down the crapper like it is with Christianity on the rise. There is no doubt in my mind that the deterioration we see in American life is directly correlated to our diminishing faith in God; in addition, many who profess to be Christian have become useful idiots to the Left. All we need is a spiritual revival to get back on the right path. Alas, I fear that the critical mass needed for this may no longer exist, although it is heartening to see so much faith and biblical knowledge here on the Campfire.

I've not read all of the rest of the thread, so I'll just say that it all boils down to what you are going to do with the resurrection. Are you going to write off the eyewitnesses of that event as liars or lunatics and dismiss it? Or are you going to accept their accounts as the truth, and therefore see that God exists? It has to be one or the other, doesn't it? After that, you can quibble over details of theology all you want, or quibble over Big Bangs, geologic time, evolution and so on. But the the resurrection has to be dealt with, one way or the other, some time or another. It was, I believe, the key event in all of history.

100% agree....

Illegitimi non carborundum