Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by IZH27
Bets are he was molested by a priest, molested by a youth pastor in one of the Charismatic cults that are prevalent in Oz or grew up in a hyper legalistic home with a father who was a son of a bitch.

Not many other options for this kind of anger for something that “doesn’t exist”.

assuming that this account isn’t a Bot or a puppet. No evidence to support that in either direction.

The anger is on your side of the divide. Just look at Ace as an example of intolerance, vitriol and hate.

The “intolerance, vitriol and hate” is a response to your disruptive and disrespectful behavior and actions. If you act like a dipshit and are subsequently treated like a dipshit it’s a direct result of YOUR actions. Why is that so difficult for you two dumbfucks to understand?…..I mean really?….if you can’t grasp the very basic principles then you shouldn’t be debating or arguing anything. If you don’t want to be treated like a piece ofshit then don’t act like a piece ofshit…..it’s actually a very simple principle and one that I’d happily teach you should you ever have the misfortune of finding your pathetic ass at my campfire…..I’m sure that even a retard like you would quickly learn your lesson and find your manners….

You should have no expectation of being treated with respect when your every interaction here is one of complete disrespect. You’re pathetic…which we all knew….but you’re pathetically misinformed about human behavior. You’ll be treated in the same way that you treat others….if that upsets you then either quit being a dumbfuck or be prepared to be treated the way you treat us.

If only this were a real campfire……😉

What you call 'disruptive' is just a matter of reasonably questioning our beliefs and assumptions, namely, healthy skepticism.

Something that you should be doing for yourself....and in fact do when it comes to other faiths, where you don't accept the teachings of Islam, Hinduism, etc, without question.

Yet you get your knickers in a twist and act like an Obnoxious Twat when your own faith comes under the same scrutiny you apply to others.

If you have the truth, you should welcome questioning and skepticism, because the truth will stand on its own merit.

You lash out mindlessly, viciously because deep down you understand that religion is built upon the shaky foundation of faith.

"Faith is a cop-out. It is intellectual bankruptcy. If the only way you can accept an assertion is by faith, then you are conceding that it can't be taken on its own merits." ~ Dan Barker

"Faith is like a piece of blank paper whereon you may write as well one miracle as another." ~ Charles Blount (1654-1693)