Originally Posted by antlers
Christianity is investigable. You can kick the tires, and ask those hard questions. The evidence shows that there was an extraordinary event. That’s undeniable. That’s how a small sect grew to 3.5 million Christians…against overwhelming odds…by the 4th century. And following the resurrection of Jesus, there was a new movement called the Way, and it was this ekklesia of Jesus that was eventually called the church. And as these things were happening, people who were actually involved in these events documented them for us all. And all of this happened in the first century before 70 AD when the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans.

And when someone can predict their own death and resurrection…and pull it off…I’m gonna go with whatever that person says and teaches.

We are told there was a extraordinary event. We are told about it by various authors long after the described event was said to have happened.

The ancients tended to see signs and wonders, Simon Magus and other miracle workers, for instance, where we would be more sceptical and rigorous in our investigation.