Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by Hastings
I'll have to admit I'm in a decided minority in not taking the writings of Paul as scripture. Most "Christian" churches do accept him and declare there is no contradiction. But a fairly sizable number, although they are certainly a much smaller minority, look at him as a false apostle.
Yeah. By the same token, a fairly sizable number, although they are certainly a much smaller minority, look at the earth as being flat, and look at the moon landings as being fake, and look at the Holocaust as having never happened.
I certainly believe the earth is basically but not perfectly round, and I know the Holocaust happened, I don't know about the moon landings though. And Paul raises too many suspicions for me, I prefer Jesus.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."