Originally Posted by WhiteTail48
Originally Posted by Raspy
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by Muffin
Dark is the absence of light..

Violence is not violence unless there is peace..

There is no Lawlessness without Law..

There is no wrong, without right..

That, frankly, is ridiculous.

who gives a shiet!

Then why do you, Raspy? These atheists have CLEARLY made their free-will choice to reject God/Jesus, as has Hastings, who has rejected the deity/divinity of Jesus our Savior and Lord and God.

Why do you give a chit? Why the incessant bantering back and forth? The world is full of God-haters and Jesus-rejectors. You can’t convince them or change them….

Your claim of a free will choice is absurd. Can you choose to believe that which you are not convinced of?

Is justified conviction a matter of choice?

You know it's not.

You yourself can't choose to believe in the Hindu gods or Allah, etc, for instance, so according to your claim it is you you rejects the reality of these gods, gods that people believe in.

It's Crock and you know it.

You know that conviction is a process, not a choice.

Desire may drive the process, the promise of eternal life may drive a line of thought and careful selection of reading or viewing material to reinforce your process of conviction; cherry picking that which suits and rejecting what doesn't.

You know this is true, yet you repeat the fallacy of ' you are rejecting Jesus.'