Originally Posted by Tyrone
I don't think some of you understand the burdens that the Pharisee's placed on the Jews.
It was easy for someone who lived in Jerusalem to offer sacrifices at the Temple. But God wanted the World to be saved. Can you imagine the logistics of upholding the Temple system for a World-wide religion?

With the abolition of Temple sacrifices went the ceremonial and purity laws associated with it. The Temple sacrifice was replaced by the sacrifice of Jesus. The laws of love still stand and were in fact strengthened.

It’s also important to remember that the Ten Commandments were perfectly kept by Christ on our behalf because we remain incapable of keeping them. I believe that the importance of this is that we have a strong tencendy to think that we somehow do have that capacity.

There isn’t a person participating in this thread that gets through a single waking hour of a day without breaking all of the commandments. That’s why I can’t understand the idea that our “keeping the commandments” can possibly add value to our salvation. Everything that we do is tainted with our sinfulness, even the good thing.