Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Swamplord
Every single Atheist & every single Satanist ( same /same) knows that God exists and Jesus is as real as the air that they breathe !

THEY have waged war on God forever and slaughtered many millions of Christians since the Resurrection

The demons won't let their souls rest & constantly command them to lash out & attack Christians, they don't seek to understand why and do as instructed, their hatred is their driving force , it burns .... & they react

They don't understand the demonic possession because it is so subtle and explain it away as their belief in "science" ... even though science proves the existence of God in every waking moment of every human on the planet

Satan is a liar and his human God haters carry his image

Well that was totally devoid of facts and truth. I feel bad for having wasted time reading and responding to that. How's your collection of dildo pics going?

You 2 guys/girls from down under see what we mean by calling you bots/trolls?

Illegitimi non carborundum