These are not my words; they come from an article by Dr. Pierre Kory and is part of an anonymous essay on Substack. It is about the COVID situation, but the principles apply here as well. Of course, at this point there hasn't been a total censorship of Christian viewpoints; but anyone with eyes to see can't help but notice the trend in that direction. Denial of the "preponderance of the evidence" seems to occur in matters of theology as well as medicine.

"In many ways, forcing two opposing viewpoints to present their evidence and then having the appropriate parties determine which side presented the preponderance of evidence and thus “wins” is the best solution our species has developed for settling otherwise irreconcilable differences of opinion.

Unfortunately, as our times have shown, the natural response to having our society place a heavy weight on “evidence” is to have dishonest parties “win,” not by being on the side with the best evidence, but rather by buying out the entire evidence base and censoring the opposition — effectively creating a much more sophisticated form of “might makes right.”

In many ways, the anatomy of corruption within “science-based” medicine is quite simple and like many other things in business, continually reuses the same formulas. As a result, once you understand how corruption plays out in a few areas, it becomes feasible to understand how things will play out in many others.

I thus would argue many of the events we witnessed throughout COVID-19 (e.g. the sudden extreme censorship of scientific debate recently detailed by Pierre Kory), simply represents all of this longstanding corruption metastasizing to a degree which finally became visible to the general public."


The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.