Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by antlers
Again, atheistic regimes have killed more people in the twentieth century alone than all of the combined religions in the world have killed in all of known history.

But some atheists clearly choose to purposely dance around and ignore that fact.

What we’re seeing in the world today is an undue influence on all of culture…government, education, news media, social media, politics, the indoctrination of children and young people, medicine, science, etc….by the ideologies that are the polar opposite of those that influenced the development of Western Civilization.

And it for damn sure ain’t an improvement.

Prove your claim. Show why all these people were killed in the name of atheism.

Hitler was an atheist....He was not a devout Catholic. He was a cynical neo darwinist atheist who banned Christianity after using state of the art technology to efficiently kill thousands of Catholic priests and the head of the Lutheran Church. The first quote regarding the scourging was taken from Mien Kampf, Hitler's propoganda attempt to seduce a nominally Christian country to Naziism. That was written at a time when people were starving in the streets of Germany and looking to channel their desperation and anger. The second quote to Engel was never uttered. Taken from Engel's supposed diaries, Engel admitted later his book was a hoax. The Nazis began as the Thule society, a collection of atheists, neo pagans and satanists. Satanism was very prominent in the SS culture. The Allies considered prosecuting the Nazis for Christian persecution after the War, but decided it would be duplicating their efforts, since they already had prosecutions going for the Holocaust. Germany never did fully return to faith.

And there are many more.....

Illegitimi non carborundum