Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by IZH27
The trust in science when applied to any discipline is always dependent upon the honesty, integrity, self questioning and introspection of the practitioner.

All science is hamstrung with such a handicap. This is what is so laughable about the atheists willingness to rely on humanity selectively.

Science is testable and falsible, religion is neither. It's kinda hypocritical to deny science yet live in the modern world shaped and built on the findings of science. Our lifespan has increased significantly since we started working our what was really going on. If we hadn't you'd probably be dead already covered in your own filth and whatever pox you may have succumbed to.

Medicine and technology didn't come about by praying for it, some people instead better spent their time focussing on working out the understanding of the real world.

According to my old research, you are a little bit right, however, falsifiability is a standard created by philosopher Karl Popper to distinguish scientific theories from unscientific ones. But religion is not a scientific theory, nor has it ever claimed to be. "God exists" is not a hypothesis about the interaction of physical phenomenon, it's a metaphysical argument. Because of this, falsifiability is completely irrelevant in religious questions.

Illegitimi non carborundum