You come across as so weak in your faith that you try and use flawed arguements to back it up - a god would surely also pick up on this.
It's been repeatedly pointed out to you that what you claim is evidence is not actually evidence of that claim. You just don't get it.[/quote]

--You seem too concerned with proofs, yet you have offered no supporting proofs for your assertions. Using the science of history, one can quickly demonstrate that Jesus existed. At the very least, this includes highly credible eye-witnesses. Secondly, there is the origin of all matter, and therefore space, time and energy, coincided with the Big Bang Creation Event. Whether I have proven anything to you “absolutely” or even absolutely is irrelevant. People accept EVIDENCE for things we take as fact every day, despite the lack of “absolute MAUSER” proof. I have good reasons for accepting the claims of Jesus, and I have similarly good reasons for accepting my wife’s claim that she loves me (and by the way, this is also based on the science of history).

--God The Bible... If Christ did not literally rise from the dead, then none of his history or teachings have any credence....those who witnessed the resurrection of Christ were all consistent in their testimony of what they claimed to have seen. One of the most basic investigation techniques a criminal detective has is to ask a witness or suspect the same question over and over. If their testimony is untrue, their inconsistency obviously indicates their attempted deception. But if they are consistent in their testimony – and consistent with hundreds of others who claimed the same events to be true, then their truthfulness becomes obvious.

There is enough EVIDENCE for myself and other Christians.... and AGAIN EVIDENCE, BUT NO MAUSER PROOF...again, isn't that called Christian FAITH?

Faith is used in lieu of knowing the truth. It's okay to say the truth is not always known, but believers will insert a god into these knowledge gaps, pretending to know the truth, but their stories just deepen the mystery and depart from reality.[/quote]

I agree with your first sentence and disagree to the pretending part....all I ever stated is that I (only-me) have enough evidence to believe in God the Bible, But NO PROOF...

Illegitimi non carborundum