Originally Posted by efw
Originally Posted by krp
Originally Posted by efw
Originally Posted by krp
Originally Posted by IZH27
My question was really aimed at KRP and his claims of ascending/transcending.

No, you used the words transcend and ascend about yourself quoting one of my posts... here's what I said to you about transcending...

You don't transcend or become something different than you are, you already exist as body and spirit... you become aware. I see in others different levels of awareness and there's nothing wrong with that. I see in Christ a full awareness we will never experience in the body, understandably. When our physical body dies and we transcend and ascend to just our spiritual existence, that is severing the physical.


Gnostic Spiritualism?

Like for the 89th time I've heard that, some from you...



I don’t believe I’ve ever asked you that sir; I’m also not sure I have ever even engaged you directly.

Meant no offense simply attempting to understand where you’re coming from.

You suggest the physical is something to be over come or escaped, so I asked if you if you represent a point of view.

What point of view DO you represent? Where have you gotten the ideas you’re putting forward?

I’m ignorant of them and their origins.

Again I meant no offense.

First off everyone of the main players in this thread have been participating in these discussions for years, back when Ken Howell was alive and Curdog used to post, RickD, many others not posting anymore. It's like we have met around a table every couple months, by this point I know where each of you are coming from on a particular point... so you comment to me across the table and claim it's the first time you engaged me... you have engaged me many times.

I don't have to rewrite the thousands of words I've written here every time someone writes a one sentence comment to me or misrepresents what I wrote. Like Curdog used to say, I wrote the black letters in my post. can't help it if someone reads the white in between.

Show me where I said... the physical is something to be over come or escaped

IZH27 addressed me on his inability to transcend and ascend spiritually after years of trying, I said you can't be a spiritual being until the physical is severed, death. This is in the context of my statement that Jesus was the only one who existed as 100% physical and 100% spiritual at the same time, with all the knowledge of both. I guess I should have just told him he was dumb for wasting his time like the christians here tell anyone they disagree with, instead of trying to help him understand why it was impossible.

Christ's life example is my theology, the Holy Spirit is my communication, mentor, lifeline to Christ and God, there is no physical path to spiritual salvation after death. Jesus's resurrection is real and the proof that physical death is not the end. In that context we cannot transcend or ascend until physical death. But we can have a personal relationship with Christ and God through the Holy Spirit while here.

I see the struggle of most recognizing the Holy Spirit in their life spiritually. They think it's from a suit and tie at a pulpit, a building, man words, tenets. They say they're 'filled' with the Holy Spirit but don't use it.

Our spirit here is very weak, dampened, the Holy Spirit can be very strong in us if we let it.

When we join together in the Holy Spirit it is amplified.
