Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
It's a sad thing that all you only have is personal attacks and diatribe. It's no wonder Christianity is on the decline - nobody with any normal level of self respect would want to be part of that, and you guys are always the ones that arc up when faced with reasonable questions that you can't, or won't answer with honesty, always filling the gaps with false assertions that do nothing but make you feel good, despite what the truth may be.

You don't sell your religion very well and I'm sure that a god would be disappointed. YMMV

You and Raspy just go ahead and console each other in yet another hour of butt hurt.
mauserand9mm: I am a believer in Jesus and I am pretty sure you are atheist but like you I've noticed that when questions are asked of some folks they get awful testy. Mahatma Gandhi was quite an admirer of Jesus and I have met other Hindu people that profess to believe Jesus' teachings. Gandhi said he liked Jesus but a lot of Christians he did not like. And Gandhi among other things reminded people to "not be too sure of their own wisdom" and that "even the wisest might err"

I cannot believe a just God would find fault with a person seeking the truth. And I am positive that the ''Christian'' church has stitched a bunch of false and extraneous assertions onto Jesus.

Everybody is an atheist to some degree, or even antitheist.

That is your opinion...

Illegitimi non carborundum