Originally Posted by Hastings
Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till ----ALL---- be fulfilled. Got a news flash. Heaven and earth have not passed away. And not ALL has been fulfilled. Drop your guard and let Jesus' teaching in. The Jewish covenant has not gone anywhere. The law and the prophets still stand.
Again, “ALL” in ‘the Law’…which is specifically what this passage is referring to…WAS clearly fulfilled. Thereby negating the quantifiers in the statement. And the ‘real’ Old Covenant hasn’t been practiced since 70 AD when the destruction of the Temple…as Jesus clearly foretold…made it impossible to do so; even though some still claim to abide by pretend versions of it that are clearly tremendously cherry-picked and made-up ~ they’re clearly not the ‘real’ Old Covenant, which was an agreement between God and the ancient Israelites, and no one else…!

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.