Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by Hastings
Well, who was Jesus speaking of when he spoke of his Father? Who was he praying to? Who was he talking about?
These same questions were already asked by you earlier on this very thread. And you were given clear and specific and detailed answers to them on this very thread by several members here already. You’ve asked these same questions over and over and over again, in many threads on this board that involve these types of discussions. And you’re always given clear and specific and detailed answers to them, over and over and over again, by several members who participate on these type of threads.

Why do you repeatedly ask the same questions without accepting, or evidently even considering, the answers that you receive…?

You come across as not wanting answers that don’t go along with your already-formed opinions. Or are you seeking validation or agreement with your already-formed opinions with your questions ~ which aren’t actually questions at all, but conclusions disguised as questions…?
I never do get a plausible answer. I'm not expecting an answer from you or the others in your entrenched position. I Would like to think maybe some open minded person might study the questions for themselves. And we have no idea who might be reading with interest and not commenting. Jesus himself did not claim to be God, he often prayed to God, and he spoke of God as his Father and certainly a separate being.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."