Originally Posted by IZH27
In what you are saying do you see Christ and Christ crucified as an experience or a reality?

As you mentioned earlier, Apostle Paul declared that Christianity is false unless the resurrection of Jesus is a historical fact. He even names the still living eyewitnesses of the Resurrection at the time, pretty much challenging his readers to fact-check him by asking those still living eyewitnesses of the Resurrection themselves about it.

But he didn’t say, “Believe that Jesus rose from the dead because I’m writing the Bible and the Bible is the authority.” Truths and realities outside of the Bible are what got Christianity started. Before the New Testament was ever even written, many thousands of Jews and Gentiles understood the reality and the truth of the Resurrection, and the reality and the truth of the Christianity that it launched.

Unbelievers in the mid-first century were never asked to become followers of Jesus through blind faith in an authoritative New Testament that didn’t even exist yet, but on the reality and the truth of God and the historical fact of the Resurrection. Contrary to what some skeptics assert, the New Testament writers did not create the Resurrection; the Resurrection created the New Testament writers. So the Resurrection…and the Christianity that it launched…would still be real and true even if every Bible and manuscript in the world were non-existent.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.