DBT wrote
>>>>Belief alone cannot be used to establish the truth of what is being believed. It's a fallacy called ''begging the question.''

Raspy wrote
***I disagree, as for me there is a lot of evidence regarding God The Bible…no proof but a lot of evidence.***

DBT wrote
>>>>If the word 'truth' represents the facts of the world, all the things of the world and how they work, it takes more than just belief to establish truth, it takes verifiable, testable evidence.<<<<

Raspy wrote
***I believe we are discussing Faith in God of the Bible/afterlife…not facts of the world***

DBT wrote
>>>>Belief is easy, anyone can believe anything and call it 'truth,' because that suits their needs. But that's not how reality works, where things may not be as we would like.<<<<

Raspy wrote
***You may be correct, I’ll give you that, but we are discussing Faith regarding God the Bible and an afterlife….there is enough evidence, that it really strengthens our Christian Faith....I/we believe God the Bible is true, not facts of the world, but regarding faith and God The Bible.***

Illegitimi non carborundum