Originally Posted by Raspy
Totally different?

Sorry, but I agree with Antlers....>>>Some see that James’ position doesn’t refute the “faith alone” part of the equation at all. The “faith alone” part of the equation still stands, but only the kind of faith that eventually and inevitably produces good works. Good works are not the basis, or foundation, of salvation. Good works are the result of, the fruit of salvation. It isn’t good works that save or justify, they don’t qualify us to enter God’s presence. If people truly trust in Jesus, and put their confidence in Him, that trust and confidence shows up in how they live their lives.<<<
Now this makes sense. First comes the realization that you have been evil when you accept Jesus teachings on repentance. And you ask God's forgiveness and follow Jesus' instructions to the woman he saved from stoning, "go and sin no more". I know this won't go perfectly but your change will be very evident in your good works and good behavior.

I have a neighbor friend up at the farm who disliked me intensely, and I reciprocated. He will admit that he was a sorry rascal, stealing, drinking, and unfaithful to his wife. I have to admit I was more than unkind towards him. We both had things happen in our lives that lead us to the Lord and things at least became civil between us. Then we became allies in a legal case when a crazy man in the neighborhood became a serious danger to my family and his. And I mean serious, like with drunken rifle fire across our respective properties where he, his son's family, and his elderly mother all had houses on about 4 acres of land and business really picked up when I came onto our place. In short, I financed the lawsuit and it ended up with the sheriff coming out and killing the crazy. We are now the best of friends and I could call on him for anything.

Getting back to the good works being evidence of salvation. This man I'm talking about even though he is a skilled carpenter spent over 20 years of his life as a criminal, and an abusive husband, a person with a terrible attitude when drinking, was shot by his own brother in law with good cause to protect his family in a drunken incident. Now he is married to a very religious good woman, has a 13 year old well adjusted daughter and several grandchildren by his adult son that they spend a good bit of time with and bring to church where we all attend. In short he has become a man that anyone would be glad to have as a friend and neighbor. He now is an example of What Jesus advised "let your light shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven".

And we all know people who claim to have accepted Jesus and to live for the Lord with all evidence to the contrary.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."