
1-God has not lost one single individual he intended to catch. He is far above the need for a good salesperson. We are to present the Gospel, not convince people.

2-Thousands of years later, how distorted would the Gospel be without reliance on documentation? A good story changes daily and is highly distorted in a week.

3-Der Fuhrer and the Third Reich's first and foremost approach was corruption of the Church, obviously ignoring Biblical principles. It worked with the majority of the Germans, who originally had no ill intentions, buying into the Third Reich's ideology as Christian! What would Bonhoeffer have done without the Bible as the rock?

4-Without reliance on the Bible, how are we to discern false prophets?

Statistics related to the fad of fake churches which are nothing more than country clubs is meaningless. They need to go away, as they are Satans best weapon. I've long said Satin would rather you be in most churches in the United States than a strip club. There you sit on Sunday morning, feeling all good about yourself, headed straight to hell.