
He started making mistakes right away. He says the Pharisees and he Sadducee's served God all their lives. Jesus says, "Do what the say and don't do what they do." He condemns legalism. We are either legalistic Christians or lawless sinners. Once we are saved we don't obey to get more saved. We obey in thanks giving because we are saved. Show me a person who claims he loves the Lord and does not obey the New Testament I will show you a liar. In 1 John 5 we discover, "The love of the lord is to obey His commands." Apparently he hooked up with the wrong "church" crowd. They confused him early on and now he continues to confuse new believers.

We love God because He first loved us. Then we respond to God by giving ourselves to Him in humble loving obedience.

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter