There has to be an understanding of what God desires.

God greatest desire is that we grow in love of Him and be as close to Him as possible. That is God's will in a nutshell.

You don't get there by failing to accept God's grace. Jesus' sacrifice is complete and sufficient, but you are not. By accepting Jesus, you might get to Heaven, but you still haven't fulfilled God's will for you. Works must follow faith. Becoming as close to God as He wills involves what you do after you accept the grace of His redemption - the works you perform. Works includes things you do such as prayer, worship, receiving the sacraments like baptism, praise, charity, the Beatitudes, picking up your crosses and much more as well as things you don't do - you don't neglect your responsibilities, you don't lead others astray, etc.

God's will for us is the basis of the all devotions and "laws" set out for us. If we follow them, we draw closer to God. If we don't, we either remain in place or we fall behind. You know what usually happens.

Growing in God's love is why God hates sins like murder. Murder denies the victim the opportunity to grow in God's love.

You guys innately understand this whether you acknowledge it or not. It's the whole problem with Leftism and the LGBT insanity. They reject God's gifts and refuse to fulfill the roles God has for them.

Politics is War by Other Means