Originally Posted by IZH27
Ring man

Do you love God with all your heart and your Neighbor as yourself?

Do your good works exist simply because they are solely for the good of others or because you derive pleasure from them?

Do you believe that you have arrived at a sinless or near sinless state? Do you believe that you have received a second work of grace? Are you a sinner?

Reasonable questions rather than attack. Thank you.

1. As far as I know.
2. a. No. b. Yes. Jesus says, "Let you light shine among men so they may see your good works and glorify God."
3. a. Yes. Remember Apostle Paul standing before the king said, "I stand here with a perfectly good conscience." b. Yes. c. I am a sinner saved by God's Grace so that I might walk in His light and those around may glorify God.

Last edited by Ringman; 09/24/22.

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter