Those who point to the advances in discovery and understanding as achieved by humans in the field of science, and how those have helped bring about things we appreciate in our "modern world", are merely observing the outcomes of human activity. The atheist has no other belief bases. Thus, some among us wish to applaud and glorify the products of mankind and base their knowledge and belief systems on observable and verifiable human endeavors. End of belief basis.

Is such "rational" human worship also able to justify and solidly rationalize all of the human produced/conducted outcomes that are fiercely negative and degrading - also observable and verifiable? Are those products of human invented science, or something else?

Other humans, who may well understand and appreciate the discoveries and accomplishments of human science also unabashedly accept and understand the weaknesses and limitations of the human condition. They understand that mankind will never reach the sublime state - an understanding based on centuries of human behavior as understandable through verifiable and reproducible evidence.

To profess to have seen, felt, experienced, etc. a basis for beliefs in a being far superior to man in every way is an act far separate from and beyond the known limitations of human science. If such understanding is beyond the reach of those who base their beliefs solely on the actions and abilities of humans, they would seem to be trapped in a circular route without any hope beyond what humans might be able to accomplish. Overall, how good is that track record - and how good the prospects?

Is that verified and reproductive human record - overall - positive enough to form a basis for ridicule or criticism of those who see beyond the human plight and celebrate a much higher power?

NRA Member - Life, Benefactor, Patron