Originally Posted by Hastings
I don't believe the covenant with the Hebrew people has been annulled.
It’s definitely been retired for Jewish Christians . Luke documented that Peter made it crystal clear at the First Jerusalem Council that Jewish Christians are saved through the grace of Jesus…not through the Law of Moses…but through the grace of Jesus, just as Gentile Christians are. This has been pointed out to you over and over and over. And since it doesn’t jive with your own already decided upon theology, you simply dismiss it ~ you simply dismiss Peter and you simply dismiss Luke. And then, as usual, you make assertions about things being “altered” or “added to” the New Testament when it doesn’t jive with your own already decided upon theology; despite the fact that biblical scholars refute your assertions. And then you use circuitous tactics to make the same statement or ask the same question to purposely drive the conversation in circles.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.