Raspy, you and I think a lot alike. Some time back I got into the same back and forth here with an atheist over proof vs. evidence. I contend that neither Christian nor atheist has proof; both have evidence and choose what they want to believe. Another example of this would be the 2020 election. There is plenty of evidence that the election of Biden was fraudulent, but to date there is no proof. For those of us who support Trump, the evidence is so clear to us that we think that it rises to the level of proof; but so far, that evidence has not been presented before the proper authorities for it to be judged. For those opposed to Trump, the evidence is dismissed as either flimsy, unsubstantiated, or, if true, insufficient to have affected the outcome. Neither side will admit that it is wrong. It is somewhat amusing to me that likely some of those who are adamant that Trump was cheated out of a second term are completely dismissive of even the possibility of God's existence.

If God wanted to provide absolute proof of his existence, he would have. I think He wants us to love Him by choice, not simply believe in Him because there is no other choice to be had. After all, "Even the demons believe, and shudder!"

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.