Originally Posted by Hastings
Has anybody here ever read the Jefferson Bible? I am thinking of ordering one. I have heard that he went through the gospels and distilled them into one book of Jesus' teachings. Seems he left out the miracles.

Jefferson was an absolute genius, prodigious reader, able to read and write in several languages, and we can thank for his part in the formation of our governing system which until the last few decades has performed so admirably.

He publicly stated that "Paul was the first corrupter of the doctrine of Jesus". Of course he was centuries behind others that came to the same conclusion.

Thanks to his influence religion and government cannot join forces in this country.

He did just what you’re doing.

He rewrote Scripture to make it acceptable to him.

Why not just rewrite the Bible yourself?

Tear out the sections you find unacceptable, run a black sharpie over other sections, and you’ll have Jefferson’s Bible.