I think the survival of the Jewish people ratifies and proves the God of the bible and the veracity of the bible. I cannot believe the Jews could have not only survived an exile of almost 2000 years during which there was a decided effort to annihilate them all for centuries by many different governing entities not the least of which was the immense Catholic church without the protection of a supernatural power. There is currently a population identifying as Jewish of only .2% of the world population. And yet with that small population they retook the land of Israel and exercise great economic and political influence worldwide.

Why God allowed them to suffer so much for centuries I don't know but I know it was prophesied to happen. And I know there are still many of the lost tribes of Israel to be accounted for but God knows where they are and in good time they will be returned to Israel at a time when as Jesus said "all be fulfilled ".

God made a covenant with Abraham in Genesis 17 and God does NOT lie.

Moses prophesied the future of the Jewish people and Isaiah 66 tells how it ends.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."