Originally Posted by antlers
Well many of the Christians here…from what I’ve read of their posts…don’t fit at all into your 90% mentioned above. And they most certainly don’t fit under your assertion that they’ve never made an in-depth analysis of Jesus’ teachings versus Paul’s. Or Paul’s teachings versus James, or Peter, etc.. There’re some clearly smart and insightful men here when it comes to Biblical knowledge, and nearly every single one of them that have responded to your posts have refuted your continued assertions regarding the Old Covenant, the Law and the Prophets, the divinity of Jesus, and most especially the teachings of Jesus versus the teachings of Paul; or Paul’s teachings versus those of James, or Peter, etc.. Regarding the last example, nearly every single one of them have pointed out to you that there are no contradictions at all…none…between Jesus’ teachings and those of Paul (or those of Paul versus James, or Peter, etc.). There are only things that people fail to grasp.

You continue to see things differently regarding these matters. But that’s OK. Differing opinions are OK. I certainly have my share of em’.
Of course most of the commenters here have read the bible thoroughly. Many after an indoctrination in the inerrancy of scripture and after being told that the NT writers' opinions are inerrant and are in fact scripture.

But I know Baptist deacons that could not name you 4 of Jesus' apostles or name more than two of the tribes of Israel or maybe even half the 10 commandments.

By the way I'm a Southern Baptist and a registered Democrat but I know that both groups are full of crap on some things.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."