Originally Posted by Jcubed
Look into Gobekli Tepe. I would be curious as to your thoughsts.


That is very interesting. I had no idea they had found that much structure. There obviously was a considerable community centered there.

We also had considerable communities in North America pre Columbian. Yes, all stone age, but still large cities placed on major rivers. Some were recorded by Ponce de Leon in his Northern explorations.

As disease devastated the NA populations post Columbus, those cities faded into the dust. But as the locations were ideal for cities to grow, white men soon built cities there again. So it is really hard to find much remains. Most of it is buried under asphalt, concrete, and steel.

Back to the point of 12,000 year old peoples.

Peoples from anywhere on the globe from 12,000 years ago could slip right into our society. We could adopt their babies and educate them alongside our own, and nobody would know the difference.

There has only been one mutation in the human brain, that I am aware of, which has been identified in the last 12,000 years.

Newsweek did an article about twenty years ago. And the theory has been buried ever since as it is not "woke" or "inclusive". In this article they tracked human brain development through observed culture and by the marks inside the skull left from the folds of the brain.

The anthropologists determined when cave paintings appeared, and matched that to a new fold which appeared in the brain as the arts center became more developed. They also matched that to a new gene.

The article tracked the appearance of genes to digest Lactose in the adult human and the effect that had giving one population survival traits over another.

The last mutation described was identifies as coming out of the Middle East about six thousand years BC. The article named the region of the brain which showed development at that time and named the gene associated with it.

This last gene was known as the city builder. It allowed human populations to thrive in numbers never before imagined.

Such would explain the sudden appearance of Jericho.

But one thing this article did not mention, was how any of these new mutational advancements might have been carried back to become part of African Heritage.

So anyway, I find this older history amazing and easy to believe. Humans are clever creatures and have been for many 1000s of years.

Had it not been for catastrophic climate change leading to world pandemic of black plague, we can only imagine how far advanced our science and medicine would be today.

The Church further suppressed recovery through the breadth of the Dark Ages. It is easier to control and extract from an ignorant mass.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.